Long Triple Layer Antique Necklace
Long Triple Layer Antique Necklace can compel one to take a deep dive into the rich folklore attached to their existence. Also, their striking rustic vintage charm and vivid colours are enough to grip one’s attention and never let go of it. Below are a few antique Indian jewelry styles that are still very popular:
Antique Necklace Jewellery Long Triple Layer Antique Necklace originated in the royal courts of Rajasthan and Gujarat. It is one of the older forms of jewellery made and worn in India. The word Long Triple Layer Antique Necklace means highly refined gold, and a highly refined and pure form of molten gold is used.
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It remains an integral part of the traditional bridal wedding trousseau. Traditional settings, including the thappa and ras rawa, are experiencing a revival. Most recently, in the 2008 epic film, Jodhaa Akbar, the lead character portrayed by Aishwariya Rai was extensively shown wearing Antique jewellery, highlighting its influence among Indian royalty.